Here's the original inspiration for the Asics Onitsuka Tiger Bot - the Adidas Forum creation is, like the Asics Robot, entirely created from photos of the sneakers -
I'm working on a short motion ident based on some of the 'robotique' sketches. I've built and rendered in 3ds Max added screen effects in After Effects. Really this is just a test with Max's ink and paint shader. All in the name of fun!
I was Lead Artist on Pure (Xbox/PS3), I found these early moodboards for the front-end I created. The only thing that remained from these early concepts was the central spline which acted as a transitionary mechanic, connecting all the frontend screens.
This was a Custom Job I created for the Vacant Lmac World tour a couple of Years back. Amazing what you can do with a couple of loo rolls and a roll of sticky backed plastic!
This was an image created a few years ago. A Collabaration with Art Director Jake at Shooting the Breeze and Strawberry Frog. Inspired by the Japanese cult movie Tetsuo: The Ironman in which the film's hero grafts computer parts onto his body in order to get 'closer to the machine', the Onitsukabot was born, made entirely from shoe parts. This ad went on to become the design template for all future Onitsuka Tiger media communications. It was painstaking work and I dreamt about sneakers for a long time after creating the image :)
I recently had to opportunity to brush up on speed painting with John Wallin Liberto, great guy and very talented! It's a very different way of working for me but I gotta say I loved every minute of it!
Here are some of my Efforts, 10 to 60 min sketches, very rough and ready!